APPLICATION INSTRUCTION: The vegetable preparation Shroshani® should be rubbed into the hair roots with a piece of absorbent cotton daily in the morning and evening, irrespective of whether your hair is clean or not. After the complete treatment of the hair-covering, wrap a towel around your head and wait 10 minutes, then dry your hair thoroughly and for 5 minutes apply the energetic massage in all areas of the scalp. Towards the end, comb your hair with a soft brush. There remains a hardly noticeable scent of wild flowers which quickly disappears. After you have rubbed the preparation in, rinsing hair with water is not recommended, for the efficacy of the preparation influence diminishes. Sediment is characteristic to the preparation. Before the use you should shake the medicine well. A significant effect is achieved within two weeks, beginning from the treatment start. The uninterrupted 3 months long course of treatment is recommended.

DOCTOR-COSMETOLOGIST OF THE FIRM SHROSHANI® ADVISES - Better start hair treatment from its proper care:

1. Do not wash your head with soap and shampoos of certain brands, the majority of which is entirely based on artificial, synthetic components that cause illness of the scalp, dandruff and significantly worsen hair-covering condition.

2. Wash your head once a week with a kind of shampoo made on the basis of medicinal herbs and having marked therapeutic properties. After washing, rinse the hair with vinegar diluted water (water must have a touch of vinegar) to neutralize completely soap remains; then rinse your hair once more with warm water stream.

3. Do not go outside in the cold without a headgear-that's one of the causes for hair loss.

4. Who frequently tints hair with synthetic dyes exposes the hair-covering to a pernicious influence.

After you have taken into account the elementary skills of hair care you can start treatment with the medicinal preparation Shroshani®. Medicinal herbs will beneficially influence the hair and scalp, promote its metabolism, make hair roots healthier; the hair will start to better nourish, the diseases will cease, and your hair-covering will be saved.

To achieve a good result, very important is an intensive massage of the scalp after rubbing in the preparation.

Phytotherapy with the Shroshani® preparation is an excellent prophylactic measure for the healthy hair as well, to provide future personal safety for baldness and dandruff. The preparation could be used both in cases of oily and dry scalp. It normalizes skin condition.

Shroshani® is an excellent natural hair conditioner: after its rubbing in and the intensive massage, hair-covering becomes voluminous and soft in a moment, is easily arranged. Each time you apply to it, your appearance acquires a fresh, attractive look. Shroshani® is especially convenient when it is urgent to put the hair in order in a very short time (without bath procedures).

Systematic, persistent application of the preparation Shroshani® helps maintain hair-covering, makes it thicker, healthier. Versatile preclinical and clinical investigations and long standing treatment practice have proved these results.

The drug manufacture is based on the multicomponent special recipe. Medicinal herbs of the highest quality are used. Vegetable material has gone through radiation checking.

The Shroshani® preparation is a vegetable extract produced on the base of eleven medicinal herbs, containing spirit. Each species of the starting material enters the complement of the State Pharmacopoeia.


The preparation Shroshani® stimulates and nourishes the scalp with natural vitamins, promotes metabolism, strengthens hair roots; antiseptic, vegetable juices treat for dandruff. The preparation effectively cures of hair loss and dandruff. Shroshani® is a brown and straw-colored fluid with a peculiar scent of grasses. Is used at any age, starting from 1 year.


The preparation Shroshani® is applied as an external remedy during hair loss and dandruff when baldness is not a result of the internal organs chronic diseases.


None known.

Side effects:

None known.

Preventive measures:

After the massage dry your hair well for not to catch cold.


For the purpose to expend the preparation economically it's preferable to rub the drug into the hair roots with a piece of absorbent cotton.


After the validity term expiry, the preparation's biologically active substances gradually lose their activity, consequently weakens the therapeutic effect.

Storage Terms:

Keep tightly closed bottle at room temperature.


The preparation Shroshani® is issued in box-packed bottles. The instruction availability is obligatory.

Preparation quantity: 200ml.